Gaetano Braga

Gaetano Braga (June 9, 1829 – November 21, 1907) was an Italian composer and cellist.

He was born in Giulianova in Abruzzi and died in Milan.

Braga's works include compositions for the cello (two concertos, a quintet, a quartet, works for cello and piano) and the operas:

A "Serenata" (serenade) by Braga, sometimes called "Angel's Serenade" or "Légende valaque" (Wallachian Legend), is a dialogue (comparable to that in "Erlkönig") between a worried mother and a girl who hears an angel's voice calling her; in the end the girl follows the voice ("O mamma buona notte, io seguo il suon, io seguo il suon!"). It is mentioned in Anton Chekhov's short story "The Black Monk," as well as in other Russian works of the late 19th and early 20th centuries.[1]


  1. ^ Malamute ("Серенада Гаэтано Брага упоминается во многих произведениях русской литературы конца 19 - начала 20 в. и даже у первых советских писателей, например, у А.Беляева, автора Человека Амфибии.")


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